Believe In Love…
Believe in your love. Everyone you decide to give a chance to may not be receptive to your genuine heart. …
One of my closest friends knows how much of a hopeless romantic I am and how much I have to …
Piña Colada Day Recipes
July 10 is Piña Colada Day! You don’t need to be on a beach to enjoy this refreshing tropical cocktail. …
Thursday Thoughts: A Writer at Heart
I have always been a writer at heart. Growing up, I kept diaries, journals, and notebooks of random thoughts, poetry, …
Promise Yourself
Promise Yourself… To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity …
Wordless Wednesday: Perdanales Falls State Park
Perdanales Falls State Park is located at 2585 Park Road 6026, Johnson City, TX 78636.
Self Growth & Change
To truly live life is to constantly grow. Self growth only comes with change; the only ones that can make …
What Makes You Brave
Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired. Smile, even when you’re trying not to …
4th of July Beauty Tips
Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July. Here are a few beauty tips to make your extended …
You Chose
You chose. You chose. You chose. You chose to give away your love. You chose to have a broken heart. …
Wordless Wednesday
Sunsets give you peace of mind, warmth, and a reason to look up.