3 Tips for Applying Sunscreen
Some ingredients used in certain lotions can inhibit the way sunscreen ingredients deposit/spread on the skin. Based on this fact, …
DIY Home Spa Treatments
Summer Pet Safety
Red, White, & Blue Sangria Recipe
Ingredients: Strawberries, sliced Blueberries Pineapple, cut into star shapes 2 bottles dry white wine 1 cup Triple Sec 1/2 Cup …
Is your skin dry or dehydrated?
Beach Beauty Tips
1. Use water proof mascara just on upper lashes: This will enhance your eyes slightly and won’t look like over kill. 2. Use …
DIY Sunburn Relief Banana Mask
Banana Sun Burn Aid Banana face masks will provide relief and aid for sun burnt skin. The flesh of the …
Safely Tan with or without Sun
I’ve grown to not be to fond of the sun the older I get, but we all know the “sun-kissed” …
The Selfie Syndrome
I’ll admit, I love selfies! I love taken them and seeing them on the newsfeed of my social media sites. You get to see your friends sporting a new hairstyle or wardrobe, new shade of lipstick, how proud they are of their families, accomplishments, the art of photography with a camera phone and apps…what’s not fun about that? But there are those that take selfies into a whole other level…duck lips, showing cleavage and looking on the trashy side…I think there are selfie limits, especially if you have children on your friend’s lists. Found this article interesting…I am sure you know quite a few people that fit many of these descriptions. Enjoy the info, share, and don’t forget to take a Sunday Selfie!
Sunscreen Remover (Home Remedy)
Refreshing Cucumber Margarita Recipe
Margarita Ingredients (1 serving): 1 shot (1.5 to 2 oz.) tequila 1 shot (1.5 to 2 oz.) triple sec Juice …