Sharing these personal thoughts for a close friend: Sometimes you look for things because you want to know the truth. …
To All The Single Ladies
Lately I’ve seen a lot of social media posts from my single friends that are strong women with so much …
Shallow People, Bullying, & the Overweight
Why do people like to insult those that are overweight? Especially women; women like to put down other women. You …
Get Wrinkle Free Naturally
The moment you become 30 years old, you will feel as if your skin has started ageing – thanks to …
Drinking Tea & Its Benefits
Apart from being a comfort drink, tea is known to offer cure for various health disorders, right from constipation to …
Sticky Buns! (with BACON!)
February 21, 2014 is National Sticky Bun Day! Sticky buns, also known as cinnamon rolls, are a delicious breakfast pastry …
Mini Spa Day at Home
Bills due, busy at work, kids driving you crazy, fighting with your spouse, exams all week, deadlines to meet…the list …
Tips to Stress Less
Go for a leisurely walk. A leisurely walk allows you to get a breath of fresh air and exercises your …
DIY Red Wine Facial Mask Recipes
Red Wine…An alcoholic beverage we’re encouraged to consume for the sake of our health and beauty. Red wine has long …
Benefits of Wearing Eyelash Extensions
What are the benefits of wearing eyelash extensions? Appear more youthful, alert, and approachable. Feel the incredible experience of increased …
DIY Gentle Facial Scrub Recipe
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons almond powder (or ground almonds) 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons milk In a bowl mix together milk …
Lemon Beauty Tips
Lemons also contain a high amount of Vitamin C. Lemon juice is a natural antioxidant which helps stimulate collagen production …