And Just Like That…Half the Year is Gone

Hello June… half the year is gone. With life being on the go constantly, it’s been a while since I have written something personal; an email from a reader reminded me of that…so here it is. I feel like I have blinked and gone from January to June in a split second. As life brings its obstacles, lessons, and blessings, I thought I’d share a few with you.

January was the end of my first holidays without a husband; Thanksgiving was hard, Christmas was harder, and New Year’s I slept through, so yeah it was the hardest. It was the reality check of being alone and without my special someone celebrating with me. I cried so much on New Year’s Eve I passed out cold and when I woke up I looked as if I hit up the Vegas strip celebrating my 21st birthday. January was also the beginning of a new me; the me that was tired of being sad, heartbroken, resulting to being ready to move on and realizing I was no longer in love with my ex husband but holding on to a vision that would never turn into a reality…at least with him anyway.

February was fun, in the beginning; I went back to old habits to see if that person was still me, I started dating, and old friendships were strengthened. The old habits I temporarily went back to reminded me why I left who I was behind, in the past. As much as I thought I was ready for dating, my picker was off and I attracted someone that had no goals, depth, I wasn’t interesting to, and had no desire to progress in any sections of his life; it didn’t last long at all. The old friendships that were strengthened are still going today and I am grateful life has blessed me with a whole other family.

Shine Beautifully Quotes

March was one for the books; I officially became an independent published author. People often ask what that feels like and in all honesty, it feels funny even typing it. I am the same humble woman that lives for adventure and making memories with those I love. I am no different. I haven’t even read my own book; I lived all I shared in it and that is enough for me. Click Here for Book Link. And how can I not mention becoming a Beauty Ambassador for a skin care line that I love out of Beverly Hills; Naturally Lindy has not only made my skin fantastic, I am so proud that my choice has made my clients glow.

April, my birth month! I had the best birthday ever; my very first book signing with over 150 people that attended, sponsored by a favorite restaurant since childhood, with all my family and friends singing happy birthday to me. I don’t know what will ever top that one. Business relationships turned into friendships and being able to trade your talent with other hard working women is beyond empowering.  I also got to host my 1st instameet at the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center; it meant a lot to me to bring light to a nature preserve in my community and for my loved ones to spend the day with me at such a beautiful place. With all I had to do to get everything going that month, it flew by.

May brought me something that I least expected; my mirrored soul returned. You know that person, that connection unlike no other that still feels the same no matter the time and distance away? Yeah, that. What turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt at a last chance, turned out to be a blessing for me; we all meet someone in our lifetime that sort of completes us, it took a leave of absence for me to realize I had met mine and this will be the only time I admit that. Ha. A friend losing her father made me appreciate mine even more than I already do and that life is too short to not love without limits. My blog took me to new adventures I never thought I’d get a chance to do; from spending the night in a luxury hotel that I could never afford, hosting a food tasting at a local restaurant, testing driving and 4-wheeling in trucks not even out on the market yet, and the ever so memorable swim with dolphins.

There are the highlights of my half of the year; as they say time heals all, everything always happens for a reason, and you never know what life will bring you. Happy feels good; and I look forward to what the next half of my year will bring. What has your first half of the year brought you?


About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.