Reasons I Love Fall

Fall has arrived! For those of you rolling your eyes at our 85 degree “autumn” weather here in San Antonio, Texas, it’s a heck of a lot better than being in the 100+ degree heat! When you think of fall, you think about cooler mornings, windier evenings, and summer officially ending. Fall is my favorite time of year; now with having more freedom to enjoy life, these are some of the things that I plan on enjoying to celebrate the season.

The Pumpkin craze: Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin oreos, pumpkin beer, pumpkin facials, pumpkin massages, pumpkin manicures & pedicures, pumpkin candles, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin ice cream, and last but not least…The pumpkin spiced latte…YUM! (Starbucks shout-out!) I probably gained about 20 lbs just typing up this list, haha, but, you gotta admit, all of the listed is pretty enjoyable.

Not a “Fashionista”: So for those that personally know me, I am a very plain Jane when it comes to the fashion world. Jeans, boots, sweaters, jackets, thick socks, and hats are my thing and are in “style” during the fall season. Nothing cozy like a warm pair of yoga pants to bum around in! My favorite colors are fall faves too, black, browns, taupes, dark greens, plums, and coppers! No more summer pink everywhere you turn!

pumpkin spice

Shut up and Drive: Fall is the best time to open up your windows, sunroof, and turn up the jams and just drive through scenic country roads. Try it on a day off and appreciate the beauty!

Places all to yourself: Its school time, so that means, movie theatres, malls, restaurants, and pretty much anywhere you go during the week is not crowed with screaming summer kids. I’m sure stay at home moms love the peace and quiet with their children being in school.

BOO! Halloween: Nothing more fun than decorating the house, carving pumpkins with the family, passing out candies to the trick or treaters, and seeing all the cool costumes. Halloween is MY Christmas. The main perk of being an adult on Halloween: NO candy limit…all you can eat!

More sleep: Whether you’re a morning person or not, it’s nice to know you have an extra hour to sleep in if you want to, thanks to daylight savings. I know many friends and family members totally appreciate that hour of sleeping in.

Thanksgiving: All the food! Turkey, mashers, stuffing, pies…that’s what it’s all about! Ok, totally kidding! Thanksgiving is the one day (or night) you get to sit down, feast, and hang out with your family and full bellies. How can you not be thankful on such a day?

Fall Equinox

About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.