Thursday Thoughts: 30 Days of Thanks

November has been a month of ups and downs. But, just because life throws curves at us, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be thankful for what we have. I believe focusing on the good in our lives and staying positive helps get us through tough times. With December here, it brings us closer to the end of the year and nothing like self reflection to prepare us for what’s to come the next year. Here are my 30 days of thanks.

  1. Family. No matter what we have all gone through, the unconditional love remains and we only grow closer together.
  2. Nephews. Motherhood may not be in the cards for me, but with them in my life, being an Auntie is the next best thing.
  3. Step daughter. It’s been a pleasure showing her what family is all about. I love her like she has been a part of my family since birth.
  4. Health. Every day I wake up free of disease and able to walk.
  5. Job. I get to do what I love & live my passion of the beauty industry every day.
  6. Home. It may not be the fanciest house in the world, but buying the house I grew up in, I get to be surrounded by wonderful childhood memories every day.
  7. Clients. Without them I would have no business. They truly are some amazing people and inspire me to be better for them everyday.
  8. My city. San Antonio is so full of humble, cultured, friendly, family oriented souls. I never get tired of visiting the Riverwalk either.
  9. My Blog Sisters. With writing being such a passion, my blog turning into a small business, I am thankful for the many bloggers I have met along the way. They have showed me how to be better at my craft, been helpful in sharing content that is important to me, and I now have others to relate to as I grow as a writer.
  10. For the busy new client filled weekend I had at work. I appreciate all the referrals.
  11. Being able to sleep peacefully through the night in a warm bed.
  12. For our military troops; if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have our freedom.
  13. My dachshund Razoo; even though I rescued him, I feel like he rescued me right back.
  14. Close friends that have been with me at my worst, my best, and are like family.
  15. For chocolate, wine, and margaritas…it’s the little things that make me happy and feel good.
  16. The cool fall weather; it’s nice to feel fresh and cool and enjoy wearing fall clothing.
  17. Neighbors; growing up with them, they have always kept an eye on our home.
  18. For music…it’s my escape…there’s not a day that I don’t have my earphones on.
  19. For technology… We are all able to keep in touch with everyone throughout our day…near or far.
  20. Grocery stores…it’s easy for us to just go to the store and pick up what we need. Other places in the world do not have that luxury.
  21. Having a washer and dryer…not everyone is as fortunate to do their laundry in their own home.
  22. Warm blankets! While many people are out on the streets cold, my family and I are sheltered and snug.
  23. Bubble bath! After a long day it’s nice to soak in some lavender infused bubbles and escape to tranquility.
  24. Laughter. It’s the simplest thing to make you forget your worries.
  25. Beauty products! I’m a spa junkie…enough said! Ha!
  26. Days off. We all need to relax, unwind, and have a day away from work to just enjoy ourselves doing what we want.
  27. Highways. If you’re on a road trip, on your way home from work or just taking a random drive…you get to your destination faster.
  28. Thanksgiving Day! Aside from the true meaning of the holiday, yummy food, it’s a day to be with your family and celebrate being thankful for what you all have as a whole.
  29. Another day of life. Here I am sitting at home, in pjs, with the windows open, enjoying my day off…living another day.
  30. Social media. Because of all my sites, I get to share my blogs with all of YOU.

What were some of the things you were thankful for?

Thursday Thoughts is a weekly series to share my random and personal thoughts with my readers so that they will get to know me a bit more; the series is just for fun, sharing, is therapeutic for me, and to make you think of  similar situations yourself.

Thursday Thoughts: 30 Days of Thanks

About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.