Thursday Thoughts: Who’s in your Circle of Friends?

It’s the wee hours of Thursday morning and my insomnia has kicked in while my thoughts are all over the place. July has been such a weird month for me. I’m now at a different place with my marriage being over, had a few disagreements with a couple of friends, it’s my steady season for my beauty studio, and it’s been one thing after another happening. On a positive note, I’ve had time to do what I love, enjoy the outdoors and be with family. When you do things that are special to you, you really can collect your thoughts and analyze your life because your mind is more at peace and your body is at its best comfort zone. That’s exactly what this month has been like for me; it’s made me really take a close look at who is a part of my life and how they take part in my growth to be a better person. With that said, I’ve realized not everyone in your circle is going to grow with you. Some will stay stuck in the same routine while others drown in their own misery and disappointment in themselves and the life choices they’ve made. Though we love those closest to us with all our hearts, sometimes they are just not healthy for the way of life we are choosing.

Who's in your Circle of Friends

We have all gone through different life changing experiences as children, during our teenage years, and still in our adulthood. It never ends and is up to us on how we are going to use those experiences to help us grow whether they are go or bad.  Some people allow bad life experiences to get the best of them while others become stronger and wiser. In friendships, when turning to your friends for advice, you learn how they have handled similar situations to yours just by the advice they give you. There are those that will always remain positive, keep your spirits high no matter how low you are feeling. Then there are the friends that will give it to your straight, be honest and open on how they have handled certain issues, but also remain positive and optimistic. (My close circle is this way.) Then there are those that crap all over everything you tell them because they still have a bad taste in their mouth after something of the same sort happened to them. I strongly believe friendships have a small affect on how we make choices. I mean when you feel stuck in a rut, where do you turn to? Your friends right? As strong willed and stubborn as I am, I am always open to the advice my friends give me when I need it, whether I like it or not.

I am very fortunate to have the close circle of friends that I do. We have all grown and are continuing to battle all that life throws at us while being there for each other. We all play our part in the circle and at the end of the day we are all different, have our own struggles, and the bond between us strengthens. Getting rid of negative people in your surely makes a difference on your well being. Have you ever really taken a good look at who you have in your circle of friends? Are they part of your growth to being a better you? Are they always negative? Friends are supposed to lift you up, not tear you down. Think about it.

April Mae Monterrosa

Thursday thoughts are a series to share my random and personal thoughts with my readers so that they well get to know me a bit more. We all have a different outlook on life, feelings, emotions, and sense of humor. My Thursday thoughts series is just for fun, sharing, and to make you think of things yourself. 

Other Thursday Thoughts Blogs:

Thursday Thoughts 

Thoughts of Happiness

Dealing with Heartache

You Never Know Who’s Watching

Real Friends Filter The Fakes

I am Sorry

I Refuse


Cheater Choices

A Stepmom’s Father’s Day

Step-Mom Summer

A Writer at Heart

Friend or Foe



About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.


  1. totally agree. sometimes its best to just get out of friendships because they cause more harm than good. best of luck!
    Southern Elle Style

  2. totally agree. sometimes its best to just get out of friendships because they cause more harm than good. best of luck!
    Southern Elle Style

  3. The past 2 years have been kind of challenging and my circle of friends have become smaller as I now just want to be close with those who love me for me!

  4. The past 2 years have been kind of challenging and my circle of friends have become smaller as I now just want to be close with those who love me for me!

  5. Oy. I need to do some “friendship cleaning” I recently cut ties with a few that were nothing but drama and heartache… but there’s a whole bunch more I need to cut ties with… its so hard for me though!

  6. Oy. I need to do some “friendship cleaning” I recently cut ties with a few that were nothing but drama and heartache… but there’s a whole bunch more I need to cut ties with… its so hard for me though!

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