To All The Single Ladies

Lately I’ve seen a lot of social media posts from my single friends that are strong women with so much to offer wonder why women that don’t aren’t single and they are…

To my single ladies and single moms that are having a hard time because they cannot find true love. The women that are trying to better themselves in life, with their families and their careers, and most of all for themselves. First of all true love finds you when you least expect it, trust me…it happened to me. Secondly, I know we all have those friends that are out partying like rockstars still even in their 30’s without a care in the world, living with friends and family, in a dead end job they hate, because they have no ambition to do better for themselves, because they’ve chosen the easy route, and their main priority is to hunt down a man to not be alone. These women meet douche bags, and will be the same in their forties and fifties, because they will settle for any man that comes their way just so they won’t be alone. So as much as you think they have it easier than you having a grand ol time as you work your ass off, they don’t and they are only fooling themselves. I know there are days that you’re stressed out, you feel alone, lonely, and unloved. But you’re not; because as you’re in school, as you’re working hard, as you’re being the best mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, and most of all WOMAN you can be…these “girls” without goals become their worst and have nothing to show for themselves but a bunch of broken relationships. Keep moving forward, keep being strong, keep achieving those goals, keep being you, and don’t forget to appreciate all those that are with you along the way. Your time for true love will come one day. Until then, don’t forget the love you carry inside of you for yourself. It is because of the love you have for yourself, the self respect, the ambition, and the drive that you have to keep on a chasing your dreams that makes you special and most of all courageous. Plus, it’s sure nice to drive you’re own car, have you’re own place to live, and live by YOUR rules, right? ALWAYS be proud of who you are. The more you’re not worried about finding true love, the faster it’ll find you…and it will be amazing.


About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.


  1. Inspiration comes when I see more women who think like I do. Thanks for keeping it real for us Hard working Latinas who want to make our lives better. Love will come in time, Right now, Its about school and getting my own house!

  2. Inspiration comes when I see more women who think like I do. Thanks for keeping it real for us Hard working Latinas who want to make our lives better. Love will come in time, Right now, Its about school and getting my own house!

  3. Hello! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, Please check out my blog post for the details. If you want to participate let me know when you have posted, Thank you!

  4. Hello! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, Please check out my blog post for the details. If you want to participate let me know when you have posted, Thank you!

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