With Love Mom; Happy Mother’s Day

Being a mom doesn’t come with an instruction manual; heck sometimes I don’t even know if I’m taking care of my dachshund right, I can  only imagine what it’s like to be a mother. My mom didn’t grow up in a very stable, loving home; her parents weren’t the affectionate, supportive, or loving type. No telling what went through her mind when she had me or how she made motherhood look so easy since she didn’t have such a great example. I think god picks certain women to be moms, in my mother’s case, I think she was chosen to be a mom to get the kind of love she never received from her childhood through us. With everything my brothers and I have been through good and bad, it’s my mom that takes all of it to heart. She’s the one that worries about us, has sleepless nights when we were out with friends or out of town, calls us every day and night to see how our day went, or just to ask if we are doing ok.  If anyone knows my deepest secrets, when I’m scared, worried, sad, mad, and truly happy, it’s her. I remember growing up in my teenage years, she would always say, “I am being the best mom I can be”…even though she doubted herself sometimes, she is the best mom anyone could have. 465520_306229499438750_918679945_o

My middle school years I could not stand my mom, she got on my nerves. Everything she said made my skin crawl, plus I knew it all and she was always wrong. Haha! Ok, so I’m totally kidding…but you know how middle school age girls act.  High school came around and she was the coolest thing ever. She would pick up all our friends, treat us to the movies or theme parks, and take them home after.  If anyone knew when I first fell in love, first was intimate with a boy, having 4 Valentine dates in one day, or when I got my heart crushed, it was her. All my wild and crazy escapades she warned me not to get into, she was always there to lecture me and try to steer me in the right direction. Her famous line I heard the most during those eventful times was “Ay little girl, you’re gonna get yourself in trouble”…though she was right, I sometimes feel that she has lived and experienced things through me that she never had. My folks eloped at a young age and are still together, she’s never dabbed in the party girl lifestyle, and was all about my father and us. I on the other hand…well that’s a whole other story…but you can imagine. haha!  I have so many memories with my mom, its an endless list of them and that list is still growing. From our serious conversations, inside jokes, and disagreements.

248795_471105589617806_623333446_nMy mom and I are so different, she’s kind of naive, shy, silly, and a total girly girl…I have to admit, I am the complete opposite of her. While she loves to shop for her shoes, purses, and matching accessories ..you’ll find me at Best Buy or Academy wearing a baseball cap! Haha! But because we are so different we not only balance & complement each other, we also learn a lot from one another. She has taught me to think things through, to give in a little, and to let my guard down a bit from time to time. In return, I have taught her to speak her mind, stand up for what she believes in, to give her opinion, and that it’s ok as a wife to want your way sometimes. Hey times have changed, right?  And as much as she does for my father, he can certainly return it x10! Ha!  Because of this, we have grown to be friends as well as strengthening our mother daughter bond.

Mother’s day reminds me of how blessed I am to have a mom like her. Didn’t matter what phase I was in, she never loved me any less or looked down on me. I got slapped a few times for being a smartass…but I totally deserved it. (I’ll only admit that this once. lol) Yes, maybe she didn’t like some of the self inflicted obstacles I put myself through or the experiences that came my way, but she was always there to comfort me the best she could. I wish she would see what I see in her; she is a woman of grace, compassion, childlike, more secure in herself than she thinks, and most of all the strength of the family. It’s funny, everyone that knows my father sees this tough, machismo, Hispanic man…and yes, he is that…but the strong one between my parents is my mother. There is no way my father would be able to handle all that my mom has endured by being a parent to the three of us and it takes a special women to be married to someone as driven and macho as my father. She not only holds all of us together and keeps us close, its because of her we have spirituality in our lives.

Happy Mother’s day Mom, you have been a true blessing in so many lives and especially ours. Though life didn’t start out with a happy beginning for you, it brought you to a very blessed life with Dad, the three of us kids, your two grandsons, & all our doggies. We love you more than words could ever express.

Mother's Day Quotes


About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.


  1. Rachel Hernandez says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your Mother. I say she is a lucky women for having a daughter like you too!

  2. Rachel Hernandez says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your Mother. I say she is a lucky women for having a daughter like you too!

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