Working Out with Make-up

A common place for single women to wanna look cute is the gym. Whatever your reason is for hitting the gym, whether to really work out or check out all the single male scenery, you want to look your best. I am not a big gym goer by all means, but what I have noticed is how many woman are working out with makeup on. Think of how much you spend on your favorite Chanel compact and bronzer…is it really worth mixing it with workout sweat and having it melt off your face? Not to mention what it does to your skin!

Makeup mixed with sweat can attract bacteria that will clog your pores and cause breakouts, blemishes, and acne issues. So always cleanse your skin first thing in the morning before you workout and always after you workout, especially if wearing makeup is a must. Covering that shiny sweat after a workout with more powder or foundation is just yucky and totally dirty for the skin.

If you absolutely need a foundation, stick to a mineral powder, something not to cakey, heavy, and that does not have talc in it. If your wanting a little bit of a cheek glow, use a mineral bronzer or blush. If your more fair skin toned, you naturally get rosy cheeks once you get your blood circulating, so you do not even need to worry about blush or bronzer. Mineral based foundations, powders, blushes, and bronzers will not clog up your pores as much as regular makeup.

Cant leave the house without mascara? Always use waterproof, yes I know, waterproof mascara can be a bit of a pain in the rear to remove, but doesn’t it make more sense to put a little more effort into removing your mascara than to be working out looking like a raccoon? With that said, you know there is no need for eyeliner either.

If you want to add some color to your lips, you don’t need lipstick. Why look like your trying to go to the club at the gym? If you want to keep your lips hydrated, try a tinted lip balm. Unlike lipsticks and lip glosses, balms have wax in them and stick to the skin nicely and will not run when mixed with sweat.

So you see, you still can look cute while getting your workout on. And after your body is invigorated from your work out and your skin is nicely cleansed, go ahead and pack on as much of that makeup as you want…don’t forget your smoky eye makeup and high shine lip-gloss.

About Author

April Mae Monterrosa

is a travel, lifestyle, & beauty writer & entrepreneur from San Antonio, TX. Her blog's goal is to influence and encourage others to make time for fun, adventures, and self-care. She is also the owner of the beauty studio Shine Beautifully.